- 官僚{かんりょう}にとっての相互依存{そうごいぞん}の概念{がいねん}を説明{せつめい}する
explain the concept of interdependence for bureaucrats 意味
- "explain the cause for the defeat" 意味
- "explain the changes made in the marketing strategy" 意味
- "explain the circumstances that led to" 意味
- "explain the complicated problem about" 意味
- "explain the comprehensive policy of" 意味
- "explain the contents of legislative bills" 意味
- "explain the controversy over" 意味
- "explain the course of events up to now in a nutshell" 意味
- "explain the current burst of optimism" 意味
- "explain the complicated problem about" 意味
- "explain the comprehensive policy of" 意味
- "explain the contents of legislative bills" 意味
- "explain the controversy over" 意味